Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Pregnancy Comments

Just because it's funny to share (but not funny at the time) - here are some more comments I've received from dumb people. This is how stupid some people are:

From a VERY large woman at a store last week/weekend:

"Girl, you are WEARING that dress" (I was wearing this dress)

Mind you, she was so large that she was sitting at the front of the store waiting on whomever she was "shopping" with because she couldn't walk around. I'm serious - I really don't think she could take a good 10 to 15 steps before having to sit. Seriously?!?!

Ok so that one is not so bad - actually made me giggle a little.

Here are some doozies (and by the way, NOT ok to say to a pregnant woman - EVER):

  • At the home depot a few months back from the tallest woman I've ever met who was also very large.

large lady: (when she saw me) "Whoa! You look
miserable. When are you due?"

me: "Thanks. October"

large lady: "What?! . . . Oh my . . . Twins?"

me: "Nope."

large lady: "Are you SURE?"

me: "Quite."

large lady: "you are big, girl"

Really? Really? Thanks, large lady. So are you.

At Market Street getting groceries from a very ditzy (and heavy) teenage check out clerk about a month or two ago:

clueless clerk: "Oh, wow." (said very sweetly with head
cocked) "When are you due?"

me: "October" (with a big smile)

clueless clerk: "Wow! I would have guessed much

(smile gone)

I bet you would have. Maybe you should call Pro Active. It worked
for Jessica Simpson.

Seriously. I shouldn't be so hateful I just don't understand dumb

Here are some of the nice comments I've received. These are very
acceptable to say to pregnant women (even if it's a lie!):

  • "You look SO beautiful!"
  • "You are the cutest pregnant person I've ever seen!"
  • "Your belly is so precious. You're really just all belly."
  • "When are you due? Awwww, you look so good."

These were said by men and women: One of Madelyn's school friends' mom, someone at church, someone at grocery store, etc. These are all ok to say.

Why is that so hard to understand??


The Slyes - Aubrey, David, and Harrison said...

absolutely dying over here!!! hysterical!!! can you please add my favorite comment from a 50 year old man 2 weeks before i was due:

"I told your husband it looked like you were having twins, but I don't know.... there might be a small calf in there."

Yes, i am so serious that someone actually said this to me!!!

You look amazing! You have every right to give the evil eye to anyone who says otherwise!!! xo

Oleys said...

hehehe. I remember how much it made me laugh reading your blog when you were pregnant with Harrison. And I DO remember that comment because you were at some party and your sweet husband had to step in and save you or something. I mean COME ON - what is WRONG with people?! I'm seriously going to start saying rude things back! Remember how "crazed" you get at the end. So uncomfortable, physically and emotionally drained, etc. Biting my tongue is getting harder and harder to do . . .
YOU look amazing, my friend! Just beautiful and teeny tiny!
Miss you guys!!