We set out in the family truckster this past weekend to go to Houston. We were all packed in like sardines. There is so much to bring with just one kid - with two - forget it . . . We actually went for a funeral of a dear friend's brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with David and his family during this difficult time.
Madelyn settled in for the long ride with her DVD player and a root beer (which is a big treat!) . . .

Marek played with all of his toys - and when I say "played with" I mean "chewed on" . . .
When he got bored with his toys - Brock came to the rescue and helped entertain him!
We stopped about 2/3 way there so I could feed Marek . . . Daddy was on "burping" duty . . .

Playing with daddy's face . . .

It's really too bad that he's so sad all the time . . .

Madelyn was such a trooper!

She finally fell asleep with about an hour left of the trip. . .

Marek was very excited to see Mimi and be out of his car seat!

Madelyn got into her pajamas and made herself right at home . . .

Dziadek's favorite thing to do is cook and feed us! Just so happens my favorite thing to do is EAT!!

Maddie LOVES strawberries . . .
Marek was such a good boy all weekend - he just hung out and played . . .

This is what a sugar high looks like . . .

Madelyn loves getting her feet rubbed. I sure hope I don't spoil her too much . . .
On the way home we didn't want to stop because the roads were getting so bad. I sat in the back seat and fed my boy some sweet potatoes!

Another surprisingly successful road trip!