Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween/Gena's and Dan's Engagement!!

This halloween we had a superhero theme. Madelyn was wonderwoman and Marek was Robin! This year was a special Halloween. Dan had called me and said he wanted to pop the question to Gena! Yeah! We started thinking of a plan. Tommy actually came up with the idea for Dan to tell Gena he wasn't able to make it in for the weekend because of work. I invited Gena to come over and trick or treat with us in my parent's neighborhood. Dan's sister would pick him up at the airport and bring him to my parents house at a designated time (while we were out trick or treating). It just HAD to work!
Robin, Cupid (Gena), and Wonder Woman.
Our little Super Heros! Tom and I didn't dress up this year. It was all I could do to make sure we stuck to the plan!
Ashlynn and Chase were pirates!

We headed off to our first house! Mari (far left) dressed as a flapper girl!

Marek was getting the hang of it - diggin' in!
Marek was getting sleepy from all the tricking and treating.
Our favorite spot to take a picture every year. :)

Uncle Brian took over carrying big man for a while. . .
When we got back to my parent's house, I had to coerce Gena to get to the front with the kids. I made up some story about us having a tradition of ringing the doorbell at nana and papa's house as our last house and I needed everyone in a costume front and center. It's not odd for me to be carrying a couple cameras plus a video camera. :) Gena was so confused as to who answered the door - she thought it was my dad until she heard him talk. She grabbed for the mask and . . .
The mystery man dressed as a giant pumpkin was none other than Dan. :) Gena was shocked and surprised! It worked!
Dan managed to get down on one knee, fish the ring out of the candy bowl and asked Gena to spend the rest of her life with him!
She said "yes"!!!
Megan, Dan's sister, was there to join in on the celebration!

Dan was SO glad when it was all over.

The happy couple! Their children will be orange with pink hair. :)

Congratulations, Dan and Gena!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


It's such a treat when we get to nana and papa's lakehouse. Tom was out of town so the kids and I headed over there to spend the weekend with nana and papa.
When we got there, nana and papa had backpacks filled with all sorts of goodies for the kids. Each grandbaby has their own bag. They were filled with ball shooters, binoculars, etc. Such fun!
After the backpack excitement, we took a boat ride.
Marek was getting sleepy rocking with the waves and nana rubbing his baby face.
Madelyn was having so very much fun helping papa drive the boat.
All hands on deck . . .
My sweet princess.
So much fun.

All this boating is exhausting . . . :)
That night, nana had crafts for us. We blew up balloons and put glow sticks in them then drew faces on them. Glow in the dark ghosts! This was right up Madelyn's alley . . .

Marek didn't understand the "color the face" part. He started coloring his own face. :) He takes things SO literally!
So with a little more guidance, he got the hang of it. . .

So proud of her work.

Marek was more interested in banging his balloon around . . .

Next it was PJs on and ready for bed!
The next day we explored the outdoors, took a walk, and enjoyed the beautiful day.

Nana had more projects for us that afternoon. She had made little ghosts out of tissue and white cloth. More face making! Madelyn loves crafts.

Marek knew what to do this time!

What a great weekend!! Thank you, nana and papa!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

State Fair of Texas!

Although I have never thought the State Fair of Texas can quite compare to the MN State Fair, the kids still love it and it's fun to walk around and eat bad food, see stinky animals, and ride on unsecure fair rides!
At the entrance, there was a short line for free rides on little motorized cars. Madelyn and Marek raced around the track like pros!
Focus . . .

Rubbernecking . . .

We headed straight for the food carts and grabbed some turkey legs, corn dogs and other fried foods on a stick . . .
Letting our food digest in the shade . . .
We wanted to eat before we went in to pet the dirty animals!
The piglets were their favorite of all the animals! They were so hyper - reminded me of Marek!
Here's some video of those crazy little piglets . . .
Posing briefly for the camera . . .
The last stop of the day was the rides . . . these seemed safe enough . . .
The caterpillar ride (or whatever it's called) started off slow . . .
Daddy and Marek
Maddie was a couple cars behind daddy and held on like a big girl (next to the girl with her arms up) . . .
The ride started going faster and faster and Madelyn was squished up against the girl next to her!
I couldn't even see poor little Marek anymore. . .
The last ride we went on was the airplanes . . . daddy and Marek were a plane in front of Mads and me.
Daddy opening fire on us . . .
Who's driving this plane?!
My sweet boys. :)

All in all it was a fun family day!