Friday, March 30, 2007

Easter Cookies

Ok - so I have some catching up to do. . .

We went to Houston for Easter so we celebrated with Nana and Papa the weekend before. We started on Good Friday by baking Easter cookie's at Nana's!
It was Madelyn, Ashlynn, and Chase and they took turns cutting out shapes in the dough . . .

After they patiently waited for them to bake and cool, they got to "paint" their cookies!

Madelyn started with purple because it matched her outfit . . .
Pink is still her favorite color so that was next!

Who's going to eat all of these cookies!

Marek just had fun snuggling with his Nana!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Eating Apples

Marek and Madelyn were munching on some apples for an afternoon snack last weekend.
Marek is testing out those new teeth!

Here Madelyn is showing a little bit of her OCD. She doesn't like the peel so she's eating the inside of the apple and lining up what's left over on her leg . . .

Marek's Milestone Update

  • Marek has 5 teeth and a 6th on the way. His third tooth came out at the enf of February (just right of the top two teeth). His 4th and 5th tooth came out earlier this month.
  • He still says "momma", "dada", "nana", and "num nums" which is what we call food!
  • He's catching on to the sign language but just gets mad when I'm trying to feed him and I pause to sign and ask if he wants "more num nums".
  • Crawling and roaming all over the house and walking around the furniture. Oh . . . and climbing all over everthing - such a boy.
  • Clapping - he's been practicing for quite some time and finally got it down a week or two ago.
  • Still drinking from a sippy cup and has the pincer grasp down.

I have to block his path to the back door or he'll be gone!

Big hugs from Maddie. . .
Here's a good look at all 5 (almost 6) of his teeth!
Going for a walk with Madelyn!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hoochie Mamas

Now the Hoochie Mommies! That's right - 6 years and 4 children later we decided to hit the mountain biking trails again! I can't believe it's been that long since we all three rode together.

Here is a picture of the three of us at our peak in 2000. The backdrop is Cindy's parents 25,000 acre property out west. We would train there before our races. This was the same year we got 1st place in our all girls team "24 Hours of Rocky Hill" race and the next year we placed 4th in the "Hi-Tec Adventure Race" (all girls team)!

We went out last Saturday to the Roanoke trail. My legs were so shakey at first and I couldn't go down the first hill. Once I relaxed a little and felt the adrenaline and "blood rushing to my head" feeling of going down those hills and trails - I remembered why I loved it so much!
Here we are before the ride . . .
And after - no injuries and we're smiling! It was so fun!
I love my Hoochies!

Nana's House

Nana watched Dylan, Landon, Ashlynn, and Chase one day last week so I decided to go help her with some adult conversation. Unfortunately, that conversation usually (and did) consists of "don't touch that", "don't hit your cousin", "don't hit your brother", "don't run", etc.

I was able to take a few pictures during all of the chaos . . .
Dylan and Landon are so intrigued by my little man!
Nana made Madelyn her long awaited Princess birthday cake. I'm so glad I gave up sweets for Lent because the whole cake came home with us. Tommy had no problem polishing it off. Where does it go on him?!
I was even able to take a picture of all six looking in my general direction! It was actually not St. Patrick's Day although you'd never be able to tell with the boys in their green striped shirts!
Two seconds later everyone was back to doing their own thing . . .
Thanks, Nana!


Madelyn has become so independent lately. She goes to the bathroom completely solo - wipes, washes, everything.

Now she's even trying to do her own hair!
I know I need to appreciate this but I wish she'd slow down on growing up just a little . . .

Big Sister, Little Brother

I love that Madelyn and Marek are interacting together so well. Madelyn loves to entertain her little brother and Marek just so happens to love being entertained!

Waiting for daddy . . .
Marek is such a monkey - he's into everything! Crawling all over the house -getting into and climbing onto everything . He's already climbed up onto Madelyn's chair and fell over the side! Good thing it's only 12" from the floor and on carpet!
Here he is showing off his acrobatics! His legs were slowly going apart and I thought he was going to do the splits!
So limber!
Here he's trying to escape out the window to play with his big sister . . .

Raking Leaves

Daddy was cleaning up the lawn and lanscaping last weekend so the kids and I sat outside and watched.
Marek enjoyed being outside . . . (notice his top three teeth - more on that later!)

Madelyn helped rake all of the leaves into a pile . . .

Then she ran and jumped in!
She was such a big helper!
Helping daddy bring the leaves down to the creek in the back . . .
Spring is here!

Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

Madelyn's been here with her daddy already and he even took her to see "Happy Feet" at their IMAX theater. She loved the museum and definitely loved the movie. We took ALL of the kids there the Wednesday of Spring break (March 14). To say it was crazy would be an understatement! We were constantly counting "Five on Feet" with "One in hand". We saw the Dolphins show which was tough with Marek but they had a "quiet room" which was nice. After that, Lori showed up with Kylie (Maddie's favorite friend from school) and Macy. Then it was "Six on Feet" with "Two in Strollers"! It was definitely an adventure but the kids had so much fun!
Ashlynn and Chase greeting Marek whom they hadn't seen in a while. They all love baby!
Dylan and Chase holding hands in line for tickets . . .

Everyone waiting patiently while the mommies bought the tickets. . .

We actually got a picture of ALL 6 babies in line to see "Dolphins" . . .
While waiting in line to see the film - you can see the huge reels that project the picture - it kept the kids busy . . .

Waiting for the show to start . . .
Marek and I headed to the "quiet room" shortly after this picture . . .
Then it was on to the Kids Discovery Zone - Maddie had to make a quick stop to the ATM . . .
They went grocery shopping . . .

Dylan had a full basket!
Madelyn checking out. . .
Then they went to the water area . . .
Landon playing with the boats . . .

Madelyn's smock didn't stay on long . . .
Dylan, Kylie, and Madelyn (behind Kylie) playing with the water guns . . .
Next it was off to lunch . . . First we had to make sure all of our ducks were in a row . . .

Of course we had to check out the snakes and bugs before lunch . . . YUCK!

It was great day for the kids and they took nice long naps which was good for the mommies!