I received a call this weekend from a telemarketer trying to get money for a very well known sick children's foundation. In her monitone telemarketer voice she thanked me for asking her how she was doing as if she was reading it from a sheet of paper. Here's how the conversation transpired:
Her: "It's hard to admit that these sick children will die but they will. Some of these children won't live to see their birthdays and most won't live to see the holidays. We would like to count on your contribution by sending a donation card . . ."
Me: "Could you tell me what percentage goes to the children (Foundation) and what percentage goes to your company."
Her: "Well ma'am, we have worked out an agreement with the Foundation and they have agreed on a percentage because they really need help in getting money. They get 12% and the rest goes towards making the calls, paperwork, . . . " blah blah blah blah . . .
I didn't care to hear the rest. 12%. She then continued to ask me if she could count on our much needed contribution of at least $15 or $20. I mentioned to her that my $1.80 wouldn't be much help to the kids and that I would look into other charitable organizations. She thanked me and gave me a website to look at. 12%.
We always ask these telemarketers what percentage goes to the charity because they are required by law to give that information if asked. It's usually astounding but this is the lowest I've heard. I really believe in giving back what we've been so blessed with but 12% won't go very far. This year our family is going to try to give some of our time at Cooks Children's Hospital with some of the sick children there over the holidays. We also got a couple of angels from our church Angel Tree this weekend - a girl Madelyn's age and a boy Marek's age.
I think everyone reading this should consider what they will give back this year - not just money but time. Our time here is short and we need to get back to the basics of why God put us here. We get so caught up in the day to day (self indulgent) "stuff" that we sometimes lose sight of what our purpose here is.
What will you give back this year?