Friday, September 29, 2006

Marek talking to momma2

Marek is such a big talker! Here he's talking to me and sayig "hi". He loves all the attention he gets when he talks like a big boy!

Happy Birthday to . . . Gena!

We went out on Friday night (2 weeks ago 9/15/06) with the whole family ALL the way to Dallas to eat at Javier’s for Gena’s birthday. I had to feed Marek in the car at the restaurant! Both of our children were so great! Madelyn stole the show . . . actually, she shared it with Gena!

Maddie loved the big stuffed bear!

Group photo!

Maddie was sitting in Marek’s car seat . . . silly girl.

I held Marek through the entire dinner as he does not like his car seat very much!
What a night - Happy Birthday, Gena!

Monday, September 25, 2006

BNSF Picnic

BNSF had their annual picnic last Friday (9/22/06). I’ve been going to this Family Day Picnic since I was a little girl in MN. Papa has been with BN (now BNSF) for many, many years. I have such fond memories of these picnics with the pony rides and ice cream and I know Maddie will, too!

Marek slept while we ate . . .

Not for long . . . My guy and me (he loves to stare at his mommy) . . .

Pony rides!

Riding one handed with a wave . . .

Our little Cowgirl

Landon fell in love with the Lemur! He kept trying to kiss it and pet it!

What would a picnic be without face painting!

And a fishing hole! I think Daddy had more fun here . . .

Maddie LOVES the big jump house slides. Her and daddy waited and waited and after she went down – she cut back in line and went down again! Tom had to jump in to get her after her 2nd time down! She was going for #3! I don’t blame her after waiting so long . . .
One more pony ride after another long wait . . .
This time she got the BIG horse!

We came home and washed off all the candy, melted ice cream, and dirt!

What a day!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Self Discovery

When Maddie was 10 weeks and 3 days we held her up infront of a mirror and she liked what she saw! Marek, at 11 weeks, does too!

Madelyn Grace (10 weeks, 3 days):

Marek Thomas (11 weeks):





Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My Babies and Me

I got some snuggle time with both of my babies this last Saturday.

Brock felt left out and wanted to join in on the photo . . .

Monday, September 18, 2006

Marek Posing in bebe Pod

Although Marek is still a little too young for the bebe Pod - he's so strong and can hold his head up so we tried it! He's such a beef cake!

Maddie can't pass up a photo op!

Lunch with Our Ski Bunnies

Kelly and I met Charlotte and Carrie for lunch on Friday with all the kids. I think Marek is staring at food on the table! We met Carrie through Charlotte in Vail one year ('96 I think??)which started our yearly girls trip. We stopped once the babies started coming . . . We miss you, Carrie!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Smiles and Coos

The smiles and coos I've been getting are amazing. I don't catch them on film because I'm usually too busy enjoying them and I'm the one who takes ALL the pictures. He gives me the big gummy smiles and talks to me so much it's so adorable.

Here are a couple I caught . . .

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How Deep Is the Ocean?

How can I tell you what is in my heart?
How can I measure each and every part?
How can I tell you how much I love you?
How can I measure just how much I do?
How much do I love you?
I'll tell you no lie
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?
How many times a day do I think of you?
How many roses are sprinkled with dew?
How far would I travel
To be where you are?
How far is the journey
From here to a star?
And if I ever lost you
How much would I cry?
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?
(Irving Berlin)

Guitars and . . . Hard Hats?

After the park, Maddie and Dylan serenaded us with their guitars - in their hats and pajamas!

Park Weather

It was probably too hot on Sunday but we decided to take the kids to the park before football began anyway!

They had a blast as usual!

Marek just chilled out in the heat . . .