Little Sara Semmler turned 2 last week. It's so hard to believe they're growing so fast. We went to her party and everyone there had at least one child! It was crazy and I don't even think I looked up to see any of my friends!
Precious little Sara opening her presents on mommy's lap. She is talking so much now I had to make sure it was her! She was speaking so much and very clearly. Gabby, being the oldest of all the babies, helped with organizing and opening presents. She is so mature now and showed me how she can whistle and tie her shoes!

I couldn't get over how big Nathan was! I think the last time I saw him was last year at Halloween! He was only 4 months then - just like Marek! He's already 16 months old! He is such a handsome little man and was wearing his shirt untucked like the cool kids! He is at that age where they get into everything - very curious.

Nicholas is a beefcake like Marek! I held all 24 lbs of him! He's 9 months already - it seems like yesterday that Susan, Amy, and I were at my house scrapbooking and talking when Amy was about 8 or 9 months pregnant! He's so stinkin' cute and I'm sure he will be walking very soon!

The youngest of all the babies is little Miss Hannah. She is exactly 1 month younger than Marek. She is so sweet and only cried a little when daddy stopped feeding to burp her. Marek can relate - that really ticks him off, too! She looks like such a combination of her mommy and daddy - she's such a pretty little girl! Watch out, daddy!

The party went so fast and the kids waited patiently for the cake. The party theme was "Under the Sea" fully decorated with The Little Mermaid items, wrapping paper, cake and even the movie was playing. Maddie was so excited to bring home a balloon, bubbles, and a ball with a fish inside.
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