We had a combined birthday party for Maddie, Dylan, and Landon on Feb 17th since their birthdays are all in February. It was a Dora and Diego party (they're cartoon characters and are also cousins for the non Nick Jr. watchers . . .) The party was at Let's Jump in Keller. Gena took some pictures with my camera (Thank you, Gena!) and my parents tended to Marek throughout the entire party. Thank you, Nana and Papa - you're the best parents in the world. I think the party was a hit - I don't really remember . . .
Nana and Papa feeding Marek as Maddie and Ashlynn watch on . . .

L-R: Donna and Hanah, Cindy, Amy and Nicholas . . .

The Post Family on one of the slides with the Birthday Girl!

Stephanie took Kailey Whisenant and Ashlynn down one of the slides . . .

So much excitement!

After jumping, we had two Pinatas - one of a tiger . . .

With a little (or a lot) of help from Kelly, they broke it open and then it was a mad dash to the candy and toys!

The other pinata was and a Dora pull string Pinata - much easier.
Everyone grabbed a string and pulled!

The Whisenants with the birthday boys . . .
In true Dora and Diego style, they had an adventure to get to the Birthday Fiesta! The goodie bags were "Backpack" from Dora. They had to grab a flashlight and go through streamer cave (a spray painted box full of streamers hanging down inside) . . .

On the other end of "the cave" they had to grab a pair of binoculars and find the "Bobo Brothers" (a basket of Monkeys) and "save" them . . .

Tom was Swiper the Fox and they had to yell "Swiper No Swiping" three times . . .

Then they picked up a jar of bubbles to get through bubble forest and that's how they got to the Birthday Fiesta!! (None of this makes sense unless you have a child under 6 or 7 years old . . .)
The Batteys. . . 
Madelyn's favorite friend from school, Kylie. . .

One exhausted birthday girl . . .
Just enough energy left to take a few bites of her cupcake . . .
Dylan had waited all day for this!
Happy Birthday to our babies!!