On May 4th we took the kids to May Fest in Fort Worth. It was so hot that day but the kids had so much fun.
The kids checking out the Borden Cow . . .

Madelyn got to do some Spin Art while daddy stood in line for us at the face painting booths . . .

Madelyn with her finished product and just in time for the face painting! Daddy was at the front of the line . . .

She chose what she wanted . . . can you guess?!

Face painting makes my girl sleepy . . .

A very satisfied little Tiger!

We met Marek and daddy in the sand pit - Marek was loving it! Boys and dirt - I'll never understand . . .

Marek headed over to the baby section . . .

We started to notice that Madelyn was a bit feverish so daddy went to get the car. We had bought quite a bit of art so I waited with the kids. Marek was flexing his muscles for the passers by . . .

Madelyn just passed out . . . poor girl. . .

It was such a fun and HOT day!

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