Theresa (Tommy's cousin) and her boys joined us in Leakey for the 4th. Their first Leakey experience. It was a blast!
JULY 3 - the Arrival
All of the cousins enjoying the Frio!
Mari's first time to Leakey - she kept saying "I love it here - it is so beautiful!" Marek loves his Mari. :)
Chillin' in the Frio . . .

All smiles :)

I love my little man . . .

Brock fishing for rocks . . .

We headed over to Aunt Lynn's and Aunt Bobby's property.
All the second cousins . . .

Teddy's first rope swing experience. . . over a river none-the-less!

My sweet angel . . .

Holding on for dear life!

Willy's first rope swing experience . . .

Canoeing down the Frio . . .

What is everyone looking at?

We found another rope swing and daddy found a tree with steps built in so he decided to jump. So wrong. When we're in Leakey he thinks he's 12 again.

Mid-air - he looks terrified!

The plunge.

Madelyn catching fish with daddy's cousin Sandra . . .

Great success!

Waiting in line for the rope swing. Cousin Randy giving everyone a push!

She looks so little way up there!

WEEEEEEeeeeeee . . .

Later that night back at the house. . .
Dziadek giving dance lessons on the deck before the feast.
The feast - it was GOOD! The good Doctor cooked all day for us.

The "Kids" table + Mari . . .

My guy and me resting before the festivities. . .

My sweet angel face.

The annual Leakey 4th of July Parade. The Stavinoha/Oley float was "We 'DIG' Leakey" because of all the construction. Very cute!

The crew . . .

My little construction workers. . .
Uncle Brian took Madelyn to get a Patriotic Tattoo.
Here she is telling the nice lady where to put it . . .

Checkin' out her new ink . . .

So cute.

That night, Brian and Jessica had picked up some fireworks and gave us a show!

Dr. Oley being safe . . .
JULY 5th - Relaxation
Mimi and Aunt T relaxing on the porch.
Marek, my little cowboy.

They really do love wine . . .

Jackson went first before I got there with the camera.
Willy was next! Mid-jump.

The big splash!

Teddy did it too!!! He's only 6!

One last river stop - Aunt Tootsie's place at the springs . . . Yet another rope swing . . .
Jackson swinging really high!

Letting go is tough - the springs are COLD!

Willy letting go at the top!
Teddy - ouch!
Momma and Maddie being goofballs . . .

Daddy and Mads - last jump of the day!

One . . .
Two . . .

Splash!! Madelyn not so happy . . .

The water is SOOOOO cold at the springs. Coldest part of the Frio!

Sweet Solari's

Solari boys excited to be at their first rodeo!

My poor baby girl was wearing flip flops and wanted to join her cousins in the calf hustle.

She could hardly move in all the mud and horse manure!

Here it is on video - my poor princess. :(
Aunt T trying to make Mads feel better with some funnel cake. Makes ME feel better!

With her soiled little behind, she went to pet one of the cowboys' horses.

We had such a great weekend full of family, food, fun, food, Frio, food, "Fourth" Festivities, food, and friends!
Thank you Dziadek and Mimi for another FABULOUS FOURTH!