This halloween we had a superhero theme. Madelyn was wonderwoman and Marek was Robin! This year was a special Halloween. Dan had called me and said he wanted to pop the question to Gena! Yeah! We started thinking of a plan. Tommy actually came up with the idea for Dan to tell Gena he wasn't able to make it in for the weekend because of work. I invited Gena to come over and trick or treat with us in my parent's neighborhood. Dan's sister would pick him up at the airport and bring him to my parents house at a designated time (while we were out trick or treating). It just HAD to work!
Robin, Cupid (Gena), and Wonder Woman.
We headed off to our first house! Mari (far left) dressed as a flapper girl!
Uncle Brian took over carrying big man for a while. . .
Congratulations, Dan and Gena!!