It's such a treat when we get to nana and papa's lakehouse. Tom was out of town so the kids and I headed over there to spend the weekend with nana and papa.
When we got there, nana and papa had backpacks filled with all sorts of goodies for the kids. Each grandbaby has their own bag. They were filled with ball shooters, binoculars, etc. Such fun!

After the backpack excitement, we took a boat ride.

Marek was getting sleepy rocking with the waves and nana rubbing his baby face.

Madelyn was having so very much fun helping papa drive the boat.

All hands on deck . . .

My sweet princess.

So much fun.


All this boating is exhausting . . . :)

That night, nana had crafts for us. We blew up balloons and put glow sticks in them then drew faces on them. Glow in the dark ghosts! This was right up Madelyn's alley . . .

Marek didn't understand the "color the face" part. He started coloring his own face. :) He takes things SO literally!

So with a little more guidance, he got the hang of it. . .

So proud of her work.

Marek was more interested in banging his balloon around . . .

Next it was PJs on and ready for bed!

The next day we explored the outdoors, took a walk, and enjoyed the beautiful day.

Nana had more projects for us that afternoon. She had made little ghosts out of tissue and white cloth. More face making! Madelyn loves crafts.

Marek knew what to do this time!
What a great weekend!! Thank you, nana and papa!
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