Seriously - where did the last 5 years go. Not funny. I can't believe my little baby girl turned 5 today. I remember those hazy days of being in the hospital trying to deliver her - arrive at the hospital on a Tuesday, kept overnight for a 24 hour urine catch (lovely - testing for pre-eclamsia), induced on Wednesday, and giving birth via c-section on that blistery cold and snowy Saturday, February 14, 2004. She really is my funny little Valentine. I feel like I had known her my whole life instantly. Of course that's what she looks like, I thought then and still do today.
Madelyn -you are my precious little people pleaser which you get from your mommy. Always asking if you're making good choices. You have your daddy's wicked art talents and I pray his math skills. Unfortunately you also inherited from him his focus (or most times lack there of). If it's the television or a video game- no problem - you're glued much like daddy. If it's cleaning or any other chore or mommy's voice, it takes asking you a few times before you hear me. :) But you are undoubtedly the sweetest and most thoughtful child I've ever known. I love you so much my darling angel face.
The Princess Cake I made - that's an actual Sleeping Beauty Barbie in there. :)

Madelyn posing with her favorite Princess.

Papa and Nana were the first to arrive. They are SO punctual!

The other Princesses and Princes began to arrive . . .

We had an arts and crafts table set up (this is a great idea for birthday parties, by the way)

Nana assisting in the craft projects . . .

I started the tradition a couple years ago of giving every child their own individual cupcakes with a candle. This helps with crowd control around the birthday girl and her cake and the kids love it. :)
Five. She turned five. This means Kindergarten, losing teeth, so many changes . . .

The other Princess with the candle . . .

Cutting into the poor Barbie! (No Barbies were injured for these photos)

So excited about all of her gifts!

The opening of gifts frenzy . . .
Happy 5th birthday my dear.