Sunday, January 31, 2010

Indian Princess Daddy/Daughter Dance

Daddy and Madelyn got all gussied up for the Indian Princess Daddy/Daughter Dance.
Daddy putting Madelyn's corsage on . . . All the girls from Madelyn's tribe . . . She's the smallest one on the end. :)
Such a poser . . .
I'm not sure how all those girls and their daddies are going to fit into this limo! It was huge - EXTRA stretch - but still . . .
All the daddies . . .
This was just the girls - already full!
Apparently some dad's drove, Tommy sat up front with the limo driver and the others rode in the back with the girls.
Getting out of the limo at the hotel!

At dinner with her friend Rachel . . .

Friday, January 29, 2010

This Hand is My Hand

Micah's been discovering her hands and all the wonderful things they can do. This has always been one of my favorite milestones because it's so cute to see their little brains moving!

Here she's clasped her hands with her fingers intertwined - it's one of her favorite moves that she's been mastering. Tommy says she's like Stewie on Family Guy - devising a way to get rid of me! Rude. Far from it, buddy. She's a momma's girl. :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fountain Head

I finally got up enough courage to put Micah's hair up into a fountain on top of her head. I just love fountain head babies! I was never able to do this with Madelyn until she was over a year old. Maddie and Marek both lost all of their hair right away and were bald for their first year of life!
So stinkin' cute.

Class Picture Day!

Madelyn's class picture day was today. I put her hair in hot rollers to give her a big bouffant! She looked so precious - although it was rainy so I'm not sure how it looked for the actual pictures. . .

Thursday, January 21, 2010


For Madelyn's 6th Birthday party. She wants Jonas Brothers . . . yes - we're already there at age (almost) 6. She's getting so big, too big.
I've started making the goody bags.
Canvas bags from Oriental Trading Company: 12 for $14.99;
Jonas Brothers Iron Ons: 4 for $3.62;
time spent on ironing onto 32 bags: hours;

Madleyn's face when seeing the bags: Priceless.

Beautiful Weather

The kids have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather by playing outside on their swing set and teeter totter . . .

Unfortunately, immediately after taking this picture, the kids fell off the teeter totter and the screaming ensued . . . totally ruined the moment!! That's why we have to hold on while we're on the teeter totter.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Uh-Oh - Another One . . .

I believe Micah will be another thumb sucker. She's never taken to the paci just like her big bro Marek . . .

Monday, January 11, 2010


She's here!! We're so glad to have her. :)
Marek showing Claudia his big muscles . . . such a beefcake. :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monsters of Hip Hop

Madelyn had a "Monsters of Hip Hop" dance convention this weekend. I feel like we live, eat, breathe dance these days . . . but it makes my girl happy. :)
Hopefully Micah will love dance just as much as her big sister because we have a LOT of hand me down shoes, costumes, etc . . .
Don't they all look so tough?
Even Micah had her Puma outfit on and her boots with the fur . . .

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Pretty Bow Head

I can't believe she's already 13 weeks and I'm back to work. The transition was a little tough but I'm adjusting. Everyone told me that having the 3rd and beyond is easier because you've "been there, done that" and what's adding one more . . . I thought I would agree but here's the deal: I thought having two older siblings that were semi-independent and potty trained, etc would make things easier. Well, in some ways, yes but in a large way, NO! It's a logistical nightmare! Madelyn started kindergarten which means we have to drive her to school every morning. I'm also very particular about what my kids eat so I make her lunch every morning and on Tuesdays/Thursdays, Marek's lunch, too. Madelyn has dance 3 times a week (sometimes 4 and 5), piano once a week and Marek has library time, soccer, school, etc. CRAZY!! Yes - some/most of this I brought on myself but I want the best for my kids and want them to excel. Trying to fit in nursing a baby and lugging this poor child around is tough. I'm very glad to have our new Au Pair, Claudia here!! Having another set of hands REALLY helps out. Now I can drive Madelyn to school and not have to load EVERYONE into the car every day. So - if you ask me if having the 3rd is easier than the 2nd? My answer is - it's all relative.
I love her big tongue smiles!

Discovering those fun things called "hands"!!

Pointer Finger?

Well - it's a bit unconventional but this is Marek's preferred finger for pointing, showing #1, and he uses it so much he always seems to hurt it . . .

I try not to laugh but I'm sort of a 12 year old at times and can't help it. Tommy and I will say "Which finger hurts? Show your daddy/(mommy)!". Terrible.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

New Year Weekend with the Whisenants

We headed over to the Whisenants on New Years Day and ended up spending the night. We hadn't done this in a long time so everyone had so much fun!
All the kids playing the wii . . .
Marek and Madelyn just LOVE Miss Bella - she's a white fur ball of fun . . .
Kelly getting some sweet talking and smiles from Micah . . .
Brock even got to come! He pretty much slept the entire time - and ran away from Bella . . . She's so stinkin' cute.

I'm so glad my kids are still so enamored with their baby sister. . .

Micah talking to her daddy . . .
My sweet nephews . . .

At about 11 weeks I took "Self Discovery" pictures of Madelyn and Marek (see post here). I haven't been as good at getting these milestone pictures with Micah . . . been a little busy . . .
Here she is at about 12 weeks checkin' herself out . . .

Speaking of milestones, Micah thankfully followed in her big sisters and brothers footsteps and started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old!!! I am blessed - so blessed. Makes everyone happier. :)