I can't believe she's already 13 weeks and I'm back to work. The transition was a little tough but I'm adjusting. Everyone told me that having the 3rd and beyond is easier because you've "been there, done that" and what's adding one more . . . I thought I would agree but here's the deal: I thought having two older siblings that were semi-independent and potty trained, etc would make things easier. Well, in some ways, yes but in a large way, NO! It's a logistical nightmare! Madelyn started kindergarten which means we have to drive her to school every morning. I'm also very particular about what my kids eat so I make her lunch every morning and on Tuesdays/Thursdays, Marek's lunch, too. Madelyn has dance 3 times a week (sometimes 4 and 5), piano once a week and Marek has library time, soccer, school, etc. CRAZY!! Yes - some/most of this I brought on myself but I want the best for my kids and want them to excel. Trying to fit in nursing a baby and lugging this poor child around is tough. I'm very glad to have our new Au Pair, Claudia here!! Having another set of hands REALLY helps out. Now I can drive Madelyn to school and not have to load EVERYONE into the car every day. So - if you ask me if having the 3rd is easier than the 2nd? My answer is - it's all relative.
I love her big tongue smiles!

Discovering those fun things called "hands"!!