Madelyn's dance rehearsal was Saturday night. She is in Tap/Ballet and Hip-Hop so she had two dance routines to memorize. Her Hip-Hip dance is first - 6th on the list of dances and then her Ballet number is 13th. They said to allow about 2.5 minutes between each number. So, let's do the math - there's 7 songs in between her dances so that give us 14 minutes to run back to the dressing room completely change a very modest 5 year old, dress into a different costume with different colored tights, take out pigtails and put in a low bun. Hmmmm. No problem!
Madelyn and her BFF Sydney . . .

All the girls lined up and ready to head backstage . . .

Their routine was so cute. They danced to "Sneaker Night" by Vanessa Hudgens. Madelyn was in the back left shakin' her booty!

No kidding, we (Sydney's mom, Michelle, and I) had just gotten back stage with the girls and stripped them down when they called "Away in a Manger" - that's our Ballet dance! I guess this is why they call it dress rehearsal . . .
All the ballet girls lined up ready to head back stage. . .

On stage - Madelyn's best dance. She's quite graceful - she is definitely better at ballet . . .

Look at her form!

I was so proud.

Michelle and I had a few tricks up our sleeve for recital night. With only 5 - 10 minutes for us to actually get the girls ready before they're called, we had to change some things.
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