Tonight was the big night! Michelle had come up with the best idea - have the girls wear both pairs of tights - the pink ones (for ballet) under the tan ones (for hip hop). Those suckers are tight and difficult to put on so this saved us LOTS of time. We also started derobing them and taking their pigtails out while we were running back to the dressing room.
I had gotten there so early that they weren't letting any of the 6:00 Recital people in because the last recital hadn't let out. :) So there was actually a line just to get in to get a seat. Mari, Madelyn, and I ran in and saved an entire row. We were about 5th in line and got the center section, 9th row. It was ridiculous. I was a back stage mom so I waited for Nana and Papa to arrive before heading backstage so Mari didn't have to fend people off alone. :)
All the girls dressed and ready to go!
Madelyn shakin' her thang (back left) . . .
Madelyn giving her best poses while waiting . . .
All the ballet princesses lined up ready to go out for the real thing!
They were so beautiful and graceful. I just love watching them.
The End!
Kelly and Brian stood up and yelled "Go Maddie" after her last dance. She was waving and smiling. Again - she felt like such a movie star.
Since both of our dances were in the first half of the program, we got to leave at intermission! I wish I could have seen the rest of the show but a backstage mom I am!
What a great night! Madelyn did so great at both routines. Thank you everyone for coming out on yet another school night. My girl felt so special.
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