We drove around my old High School stomping grounds - Mathomedi! It's funny how things seemed so much bigger and farther apart when I was younger - I thought St. Paul and Minneapolis were worlds apart and they're really quite close. The weather was AMAZING so we took the kids to a park there and I actually ran into a girl that Kelly graduated with! She walked up to the dock we were on and started fishing with her daughter! It's so nice to see old friends and pick up right where you left off . . .
No sooner did we get through the house than we realized it was time to head out and get ready for the wedding! We were fashionably EXACTLY on time (maybe a few minutes late). I got a shot of the wedding party on the way by . . . What a beautiful bride!
Kelly sang BRILLIANTLY in the wedding.
Exchaning vows . . .
Madelyn and her wedding date . . .
The Whisenants - Christmas photo? Perhaps!
Our crazy FamOLEY!
The Whisenant boys looked so handsome in their spiffy sport coats and ties!
Cathy had arranged for some girls to watch our kids during the receiption just upstairs from where we were while we mingled with our relatives.
Uncle Bill and Kristen dancing the father/daughter dance. . .
It was so great seeing all of our Zieminski family - everyone looked so great and happy!
On Saturday, it got quite cool with some rain, so after a quick jaunt to Target for warmer clothes, we headed over to Jon and Shannon's house.
Riley and Ashlynn are Jeff and Angie's two girls and they are such angels. Riley played with all of our kids ALL day long - so amazingly good with them. I didn't get a picture of Blake - he was way too fast for me - and Carson was working (?!). I can't believe how much they've all grown.
Alec and Brody (below with Marek) are Jon and Shannon's two boys. So precious - Alec was sporting his Spiderman Underoos!
Marek was so intrigued by this little man, Brody, someone who was actually smaller than him!
Joe and Marlo DROVE in from Ohio even though they are MOVING to Switzerland in a week! It was our first time to meet Marlo - so sweet and beautiful.
Aunt Bonnie and one of my twin cousins, Jon . . .
After my 1 GB camera was full the trip was over. We packed in SO much in the 3 days we were there. No naps almost the whole trip (except for the short car rides) and the kids were great. It was so wonderful to see all of my family - it had been far too long.
I love you ALL and miss you ALL so much.
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