In the last 2 to 3 months, Marek has really started using his sign language a lot more. I've been teaching his since he was 7 months old. The turning point was really about a month and a half or two ago when we were driving home from looking at houses in Coppell. I was entertaining the kids in the back seat because they were sick and tired of being cooped up in the car. I was giving them some crackers and kept trying to get Marek to sign "more". At this point he had only done it a few times- he is so stubborn! Finally, I asked Madelyn to sign "more" and then I would hand her a cracker. Well, a light bulb went off in his head - "you mean I get what I want when I actually sign it??". From that point on he started using his signs every day. Here's what he can sign so far:
- more
- eat
- all done
- help
- thank you
It's so cute watching him do it and say the words at the same time! He's my little monkey butt and he loves to copy everything his sister does!
Here he is signing "help" (with only one hand) to aunt Kelly. He wanted to hold the bubbles she was blowing for the kids . . .
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