Friday, October 30, 2009

My Littlest Pumpkin

The week leading up to Halloween outfits. . .

Ooooooooooh - scary!!

She's such a ham!

This is her frightened look . . .

So sleepy. . . S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!

My little Micah is such a sweet baby. So laid back - she is lugged around from place to place. Here's an average day for us:
  • Between 5 am and 7 am - feed her.
  • Load all 3 in the car at 7:25 to get Madelyn to school (1 mile away).
  • Drop her off (no getting out and unloading - yeah!)
  • Get home - unload remaining 2.
  • Get Marek ready for school.
  • Load 2 in the car at 8:45 to get Marek to school.
  • Get to his school, get 2 out, bring 1 to class, load 1 back into truck.
  • Get home - unload 1 OR usually run errands
  • Feed my hungry 1.
  • Load my little monkey back into her car seat to pick both kids up - they're both done at 2:00.
  • Get to Marek's school first (about 1:40)-unload 1, bribe him with some sort of snack - he never wants to leave
  • Load the 2 back into the car - go to Maddie's school
  • Wait in the pick-up line, get my girl, and head home!
  • Get home - unload all 3.
  • Call Tom and ask him when he's coming home.
  • Try to entertain the oldest 2 while feeding Micah . . .
  • Call Tom and ask him when he's coming home.
  • Try to clean - my efforts are futile.
  • Call Tom and ask him when he's coming home.
  • Start throwing dinner together.
  • Call Tom and ask him if he's left yet.
  • Threaten my children during dinner that if they don't eat, Jesus and Santa are watching and Jesus will be sad and Santa won't bring presents. They work together.
  • Call Tom and ask him where he is.
  • Load up all 3 in the car again.
  • Take Madelyn to piano.
  • Unload all 3. Sit for an hour while she plays. Feed Micah.
  • Call Tom and tell him I've got all 3 and I'll just see him at home at this point. Dinner is in the fridge.
  • Load all 3 back in the car. Go home.
  • Hand them all to Tom and start cleaning up from dinner.
  • Take Micah back because she's screaming (she wants her mommy :)
  • Feed Micah.
  • Kiss the kids as daddy is putting them to sleep with prayers, books, and a "Luger" story*
  • Fall into bed.

This is a typical Tuesday around here . . .

*"Luger" is a big mean cat that chases little blue people who are very clever and always trick the evil cat. Sound like the smurfs to you? You're on to something . . .

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween at Story Time

The library story time had a little Halloween party. Marek had so much fun!
They read books, played games, . . .
and more games . . .
get a little closer, buddy . . .

then it was snack time!

After snack time, they each got a bag and got to pick out toys!
Story time at our library is always so much fun!!

JLL Halloween Party

Brian invited us all to the Halloween party that his company hosted. It was amazing - six floors of Halloween decorations, candy, games, treats, and even a wizard doing magic tricks!

The kids (as Daphne and Scooby) grabbing some loot in the first room . . .
Posing with a skeleton. Marek wasn't too sure about it . . .

Playing some games or prizes . . .
Marek likes to challenge himself by standing 1 inch away from the target.

Oh my. Is that "throwing like a girl" or what?! Check out her leg!
Scooby Doo knew eactly what to do here!
Brian's gone batty!! Ok - that was a dad joke. (Love you Papa!!)

Brian showing his nieces and nephew his office . . .
They even had arts and crafts on one of the floors. Madelyn made this cute Halloween frame . . .
The FamOley. :)
We ended with some good 'ol fashioned caramel apples.

Thanks for the invite Brian! It was so much fun!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We visited the Pumpkin Patch (with a week left until Halloween) to pick out some pumpkins and check out the corn maze.
my cowgirl and cowboy
The maze was actually very long and not exactly easy . . .

Which way?
We finally found the end!

My three precious babies.
(Madelyn was so excited to hold Micah)
I didn't quite feel safe enough to let Madelyn hold Micah up on top of the tractor but that didn't stop her from asking. . .

My sweet little pumpkins. :)
Marek took the tractors for a spin. They were old, rusty and very difficult to steer but he gave it a valiant effort!

Our family of Five!
Marek wanted to pick every pumpkin he passed. He would pick one and then the next one looked so much better. The PRESSURE of finding the perfect pumpkin!
They finally found their perfect pumpkins and we headed home.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Four More Minutes . . .

that's all I need . . .

H1N1 Hits Our House

My biggest fear! I have a one week old and Madelyn gets sick with the swine flu! It was a long week. We found out on Sunday - we were fortunate that she had such a mild case - low grade fever and just a little stomach cramping. Marek started running a low grade fever and we started him on Tamiflu right away. We kept poor Madelyn in her room all week - although she did get to play her Nintendo DS, draw LOTS of pictures, and read lots of books. Marek was kept on the other side of the house in the play room and kitchen and Micah and I stayed in my room.

By the grace of God Micah and I emerged from the week unscathed!

Once Madelyn was feeling better, daddy played some cards with the kids outside. Poor kiddos needed some fresh air.

Being sick always makes us appreciate our health. We are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for. :)


We had Brock try on his Halloween costume early. I think it will go better with our Scooby Doo and the Gang theme . . .

Doesn't he look just thrilled?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quilt From Kara

Kara is the girl I was golfing with when I got my hole-in-one just weeks before I got pregnant with Miss Micah. She made this beautiful quilt for my girl and I promised her a pic of Micah on it after she was born . . .

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Madelyn vs Micah

Sisters :)

Fetal Position

I love how babies keep their legs tucked up when you pick them up. Micah loves this position at all times . . .
She is a very happy, smiley baby.

No More Pictures!

Ok, ok - I'll stop. (For 5 minutes)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jessica's Baby Shower

And Micah's second outing! Mimi, Micah, and I headed out to Northpark Mall in Dallas. It was a very nice shower and Micah slept through the entire thing!

I woke her at the end to give her a quick feed before the trip home and to show her off. :)

Jessica and Rachel are only 1 month apart - both having boys!

Another successful outing with my laid-back little princess. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Micah's First Bath

Micah's first bath at home was today. She loved it - not one tear (until I started putting lotion on her . . .)

She enjoyed her little warm bath - so relaxed. I wanted to crawl in there with her.

She actually started to fall asleep while she soaked . . . such an angel

She didn't enjoy the lotion application or the cord cleaning - not at all! But check out her curls! Madelyn's hair has always been stick straight - Marek's was a little curly when he was born. Micah - she's got some curls!

Sweet baby kisses makes it all better. . .

Love, love, love her.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Busy Day

Today was a busy day for my little angel.
First, she spent her morning chatting with Mimi . . .
"Hey, Mimi, check out these cute flowers on my outfit . . . I love these pink ones"

"Oh, gag me!"

Then her 1st check-up at the doctor to make sure she was gaining weight. She was back up to her birth weight + an ounce (7 lb 13 oz). Both Madelyn and Marek had gained an extra pound almost!

Susan and Sara came by to meet little Miss Micah. She was very sleepy from her busy day. :)

Madelyn is like a little mother. I love seeing her and her brother love on their sister.

I could eat both of them right up!

My sweet angel saying her prayers before night-night. :)