Thursday, October 22, 2009

H1N1 Hits Our House

My biggest fear! I have a one week old and Madelyn gets sick with the swine flu! It was a long week. We found out on Sunday - we were fortunate that she had such a mild case - low grade fever and just a little stomach cramping. Marek started running a low grade fever and we started him on Tamiflu right away. We kept poor Madelyn in her room all week - although she did get to play her Nintendo DS, draw LOTS of pictures, and read lots of books. Marek was kept on the other side of the house in the play room and kitchen and Micah and I stayed in my room.

By the grace of God Micah and I emerged from the week unscathed!

Once Madelyn was feeling better, daddy played some cards with the kids outside. Poor kiddos needed some fresh air.

Being sick always makes us appreciate our health. We are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for. :)

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