Friday, October 30, 2009

My Littlest Pumpkin

The week leading up to Halloween outfits. . .

Ooooooooooh - scary!!

She's such a ham!

This is her frightened look . . .

So sleepy. . . S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!

My little Micah is such a sweet baby. So laid back - she is lugged around from place to place. Here's an average day for us:
  • Between 5 am and 7 am - feed her.
  • Load all 3 in the car at 7:25 to get Madelyn to school (1 mile away).
  • Drop her off (no getting out and unloading - yeah!)
  • Get home - unload remaining 2.
  • Get Marek ready for school.
  • Load 2 in the car at 8:45 to get Marek to school.
  • Get to his school, get 2 out, bring 1 to class, load 1 back into truck.
  • Get home - unload 1 OR usually run errands
  • Feed my hungry 1.
  • Load my little monkey back into her car seat to pick both kids up - they're both done at 2:00.
  • Get to Marek's school first (about 1:40)-unload 1, bribe him with some sort of snack - he never wants to leave
  • Load the 2 back into the car - go to Maddie's school
  • Wait in the pick-up line, get my girl, and head home!
  • Get home - unload all 3.
  • Call Tom and ask him when he's coming home.
  • Try to entertain the oldest 2 while feeding Micah . . .
  • Call Tom and ask him when he's coming home.
  • Try to clean - my efforts are futile.
  • Call Tom and ask him when he's coming home.
  • Start throwing dinner together.
  • Call Tom and ask him if he's left yet.
  • Threaten my children during dinner that if they don't eat, Jesus and Santa are watching and Jesus will be sad and Santa won't bring presents. They work together.
  • Call Tom and ask him where he is.
  • Load up all 3 in the car again.
  • Take Madelyn to piano.
  • Unload all 3. Sit for an hour while she plays. Feed Micah.
  • Call Tom and tell him I've got all 3 and I'll just see him at home at this point. Dinner is in the fridge.
  • Load all 3 back in the car. Go home.
  • Hand them all to Tom and start cleaning up from dinner.
  • Take Micah back because she's screaming (she wants her mommy :)
  • Feed Micah.
  • Kiss the kids as daddy is putting them to sleep with prayers, books, and a "Luger" story*
  • Fall into bed.

This is a typical Tuesday around here . . .

*"Luger" is a big mean cat that chases little blue people who are very clever and always trick the evil cat. Sound like the smurfs to you? You're on to something . . .


pam said...

That's so funny. I love how you call Tom to ask when he's coming home 500 times. I do the same to Brett and even call him when he's on his way home to see where he's at!

The Slyes - Aubrey, David, and Harrison said...

hysterical!!! i am quitting work in january and david keeps wondering what i'm going to be doing all day - why do we still need a maid, etc.!!! i am forwarding him your blog entry RIGHT NOW!!!

The Slyes - Aubrey, David, and Harrison said...

one more thing - your sweet little micah is giving me the baby bug again!!!! she's absolutely delicious! are you coming to houston for xmas? if not, we might just have to take a road trip to dallas to visit! xo

Oleys said...

Hehehehe. @Pam - I know it drives him crazy but when you're trying to plan dinner, taxi services, etc - you've got to! Oh - and you're stinkin' exhausted from the craziness all day! Going back to work will be a break!
@Aubrey - Yeah for you!!! That is awesome. You need to forward this to him! It's not as glamorous and relaxing to be a SAHM as one would think! We're going to be here for Christmas but I need to see that precious boy of yours, too! We would love to have ya'll here!