So, I thought Micah was going to make her debut the day after Mari's birthday. On Thursday I had lunch with my boss and Susan at La Hacienda Ranch. I've been craving Tortilla Soup with my friend Susie Q for quite sometime so I finally got my fix. It was a bit spicey but I didn't think anything of it. Durning lunch, I thought Micah was doing some strange and very uncomfortable posing in my uterus (a.k.a her personal jungle gym).
I got home and was working at my computer when I noticed that what I thought was uncomfortable acrobatics were actually contractions and they were happening pretty frequently. So I started timing them at about 3:00 - 9 min, 6 min, 7 min, 9 min, 6 min, etc . . . I decided after about an hour of those that I should lay on my left side like a good little preggers and see if they subsided. 5 min, 6 min, 5 min, 4 min. . . Ok so I'll call the doctor because I know with Marek they didn't want me to labor/contract with a previous c-section scar.
The nurse said "ummm - you need to head to the triage and have them check you out". I said, "ok - no one is home right now so I'll just wait for someone to get here to take me". To which she replied "You need to call 911 and go". Geez. I couldn't get ahold of Tom for over an hour (grrrr) so I waited for Mari to get back from dance with Madelyn. It was about 5:30ish when she got home. I was walking around crying and finishing packing my hospital bags. Poor Mari was white knuckled the entire way to the hospital which isn't close . . . Nana and Papa had come up to the hospital and Tommy showed up soon after.
They got me all hooked up at the hospital and the contractions were steady at 4 - 5 min apart then went to 2 - 3 min apart. They decided to admit me and keep me overnight for observation. I declined any pain pills and tried to tough it through the night. I think I would have needed the pain medicine for the hospital mattress and pillows. It's amazing how you forget how uncomfortable they are . . .
Mari took the kids home and got them all ready for bed. :)
Through the night my contractions subsided and I was dismissed at 7:00 that morning. I got home just in time for a conference call. :)
Mari said that when she woke Madelyn up for school, she popped right up and said "Is Micah here?!" It normally takes a good 5 minutes to get her going in the morning.
We talked to Mimi and Dziadek on the way home and upon hearing of our near birth, Mimi headed out her door in Houston to come help!
So no Micah yet but I'm glad she's still safe and sound and moving and stretching like she owns my uterus . . . I guess she kind of does for the time being . . .
I had mentioned in an earlier post that I found the materials for Micah's bedding. Well - here's a sneak peak at all the fabric samples.

Mimi has already started and has finished the dust ruffle! It's so beautiful! I can't wait to see everything finished and put together!