It's finally over! I loved the show - it was just a LOT of work and rehearsals with a newborn. Madelyn had two shows on Sunday at the Will Rogers Auditorium with full dress rehearsal that morning at 10:30 with a call time of 9:30!. It was a LONG day!
I brought the picnic blanket that Aunt Lorraine gave us - it has come in handy countless times! All the little mice gathered on it to draw pictures and color. . .

a sea of mice . . .

Mimi was such an INCREDIBLE help. She went with me that morning and stayed ALL day with us to help hold Micah while I got Madelyn dressed, made-up, undressed, re-made-up, hair done, etc. It was a crazy and exhausting day. Micah was such a trooper! She is such a good baby. I am so very blessed.

Waiting to go on stage during rehearsal. . .

All the little mice lined up in a row . . .

She was standing right next to the rat king and was so excited for her performance.

On stage - she's a natural!

Mouse costume off and angel costume on! She really is an angel . . .

Look at her form!

During the first performace at 2:00. . .

During the battle scene with the soldiers. She couldn't stop watching the battle of the rat king and nutcracker!

Precious angel . . .

She did such an amazing job.
Thank you to all of our family that took the time out of their extremely busy schedules this time of year to see her perform and cheer her on. It meant so much to her to have everyone there - such a special day.
Tommy and I then went to the Aloft hotel in Dallas (silent auction winners of a 2 room/2 night stay). We invited Brian and Jessica to have the other room and we didn't get there until about 9:00. We ordered dinner from Campisi's and had a great night with Brian, Jessica and Micah! Then Micah and I got to sleep in and lounge around all day on Monday while Mimi took care of Madelyn and Marek.
Mimi - thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all of your help. You always anticipate our needs, you never need to ask -you just do it and you do it with a smile no matter how difficult.
We love you!!
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